apple swift programming

By attending Apple Swift Programming workshop, Participants will learn:

  • Fundamentals of Swift programming and object-oriented concepts
  • Properties
  • Looping structures
  • Decision structures
  • Classes and objects
  • Troubleshooting code
  • Debugging

In Apple Swift Programming training course, delegates will become familiar with the Xcode Integrated Development Environment as well as the programming structures and syntax used by Swift. They will also learn about programming concepts that are unique to Swift.

A familiarity with programming concepts; such as variables, decision structures, looping structures, classes and objects.

Programmers who will be involved in the development of applications for the Apple mobile and desktop environments.


  • Encapsulating specific tasks using methods and properties
  • Applying inheritance and polymorphism to class objects
  • Setting the initial state with initializers
  • Controlling access with public, private and internal modifiers
  • Returning compound values with tuples
  • Selecting among enums, structs and classes
  • Choosing value types vs. reference types
  • Simplifying code with type inference
  • Writing safe and expressive code with optionals
  • Decisions
  • Loops
  • Logic
  • Coding variables, constants, statements and control blocks
  • Testing code in interactive Playgrounds
  • Evolution of Swift
  • Leveraging Xcode for rapid application development
  • Analyzing the syntax of a simple application
  • Populating struct properties with the memberwise initializer
  • Contrasting functionalities of structs and classes
  • Providing additional information with computed properties
  • Assigning initial values with custom initializers
  • Matching enumeration values in switch statements
  • Storing and accessing associated values
  • Performing specific tasks with self-contained blocks of code
  • Modifying variables with in-out parameters
  • Nesting functions within functions to perform complex tasks
  • Passing functions as function arguments
  • Wrapping function calls in do {..}catch blocks
  • Choosing between try, try? and try!
  • Simplifying code with guard and defer
  • Declaring generic functions that use generic types
  • Constraining types passed to a generic function
  • Incorporating the has-a relationship in class design
  • Employing collection types including arrays, dictionaries and sets
  • Iterating collections
  • Conforming to protocols to provide standard functionality
  • Forming contracts with protocols
  • Benefiting from protocols in app design
  • Enhancing class functionality beyond a default implementation
  • Identifying the is-a relationship
  • Defining initializers in subclasses
  • Leveraging dynamic binding through polymorphism
  • Avoiding excessive inheritance
  • Modifying classes without access to the base-class source code
  • Instantiating Objective-C classes in Swift
  • Accessing properties and methods
  • Bridging Objective-C header files into Swift
  • Importing Swift code into Objective-C
  • Creating a simple iOS app
  • Connecting actions and outlets