effective stores management

By attending Stores Management workshop, Delegates will learn to:

  • Distinguish between strategic, tactical and operational procurement
  • Develop a checklist so as to appraise them
  • Evaluate and rate the potential suppliers
  • Categorize the Stores
  • Distinguish between traditional and partnership supplier relationships
  • Understand what preparatory work needs to be done before negotiating with Stores

'A man is known by the company he keeps' goes the age old adage. True to this adage, it can be said that "A company is known by the Stores it keeps". In today’s competitive environment, progressive firms must be able to produce quality products at reasonable prices. Product quality is a direct result of the production workforce and suppliers. Buying organization can no longer afford to maintain large supplier base. There is a clear shift from one time operational relationship to a long term strategic relationship. This Effective Stores Management Training Course is designed to get insight on the strategic aspects of buyer-supplier relationship.

Effective Stores Management class is suitable for the development of current and aspiring Managers and Supervisors.