strategic procurement

Strategic Procurement class is suitable for Purchase Heads or SCM Heads, Vendor Managers, Senior Operations Managers, Admin Heads etc. Since this programmer is on strategy, it is suitable for other senior level management professionals.

  • Some of the modules are absolutely new and these are not taught in traditional Programs in Material Management or Supply Chain Management
  • A roadmap on implementation of Strategic Procurement Plan (SPP) for your company. Strategic Procurement is unique concept and one will not get it any book or web resource
  • Faculty uses Training Course for the research purposes to study successes and failures of the purchase department. Based on Strategic Procurement research, a comprehensive list is developed for doing SWOT Analysis of the procurement function. Strategic Procurement list is indigenously developed and one will not find the same in any book or web resource

By attending Strategic Procurement workshop, Participants will learn to:

  • Understand strategic aspects of the procurement function
  • Understand various tools of strategic procurement
  • Understand how to audit the procurement function
  • Understand how to measure performance of the purchase department

Purchase is no longer a support function or attached to the apron strings of production department. In an environment characterized by many unknowns, purchasing professionals must assist general management by providing purchasing expertise for strategic decisions.

Purchasing can assist in calculating the probable impact of outside factors on supply, quality and price. The Strategic Procurement Training Course is designed to improve the understanding of Participants about strategic aspects of purchase function vis-a-vis developing their analytical skills.