IBM sterling fulfillment suite warehouse management fundamentals

The IBM Sterling Warehouse Management Fundamentals Training Course introduces learners to the basic configurations required to implement a IBM Sterling Warehouse Management Solution. Participants will define supply chain elements, such as organization hierarchy, warehouse layouts, security models, and inbound and outbound processes, to create a Sterling WMS solution.

It will be helpful if Participants have:

  • Knowledge of Warehouse Management
  • Ability to navigate within Windows and UNIX operating systems and familiarity with relational database concepts

The Sterling Fulfillment Suite Warehouse Management Fundamentals class is designed for the application Implementation Team, Functional Consultant/Designer, and Warehouse Analyst/Super User.

By attending IBM Sterling Fulfillment Suite Warehouse Management Fundamentals workshop, Participants will learn to:

  • Define the organization hierarchy, process model, and security model of a warehouse
  • Configure the node infrastructure
  • Configure product attributes
  • Configure the process, tasks, and transactions for:
    • An inbound order
    • An Outbound order
    • A Return order
    • Value Added Services
  • Integrate Sterling Multi-Channel Fulfillment with third party hosts, MHEs, and TMSs
  • Configure the Sterling Multi-Channel Fulfillment print infrastructure