sun fire midrange server administration

  • Detailed knowledge of the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) and UNIX
  • Knowledge of backup and storage
  • Detailed knowledge of network administration
  • Knowledge of Sun Management Center 3.0 software
  • Experience administrating workgroup and enterprise servers

The Sun Fire Midrange Server Administration training course provides delegates with the information needed to configure, monitor, and manage the Sun Fire V1280/E2900, 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 midrange servers. Additionally, delegates implement concurrent maintenance and high-availability strategies, and use firmware tools and applications to assess a system.

By attending Sun Fire Midrange Server Administration workshop, Participants will learn to:

  • Understand system controller administration, set up and configure the system controller, and navigate platform and domain shells
  • Perform common configuration and administrative tasks
  • Create and manage segments and domains
  • Configure a system for multipathed I/O and dynamically manage system resources

Delegates who can benefit from this course are enterprise system administrators, platform and domain administrators, system administrators, and anyone responsible for supporting midrange networked database servers.


  • Identify the Sun Fire midrange physical resources by location and function
  • Locate and describe the function of the Sun Fire midrange server system controller boards
  • Access the system controller platform shell
  • List the functional goals of the Sun Fire midrange server product line
  • Locate Sun Microsystems web sites containing important Sun Fire midrange server information
  • List the server models that comprise the Sun Fire server product line
  • Identify the disks, disk arrays, and backup devices that the Sun Fire midrange servers support
  • Describe the key features of each Sun Fire midrange server model
  • Power on and off each Sun Fire midrange server
  • Describe how to use Lights-Out Management (LOM) to perform Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server platform administrative functions
  • Describe how to display and manage Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server controller hardware attributes by using LOM shell commands
  • Describe how to access and manage the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server system controller
  • Describe how to use the LOM shell to manage Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server Time-of-Day (TOD)
  • Monitor the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server platform by using LOM shell commands
  • Power-cycle the Sun Fire V1280/E2900 server by using LOM shell commands and by using the front panel power rocker switch
  • Identify the platform shell commands you can use to display Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 server system information, set up system parameters, and test system hardware
  • Describe three methods you can use to connect to the system controller shells
  • Describe how to initiate a remote connection with Secure Shell (SSH)
  • Describe how to navigate between shells on the Sun Fire 3800, 4800/E4900, 4810, and 6800/E6900 servers
  • Configure the platform and system controller by using the platform shell
  • Configure the platform TOD
  • Display and change system controller parameters by using the platform shell
  • Describe how to view the system controller message logs
  • Describe how to manage the system controller for configuration and reboot
  • Describe how to manage the system controller for failover operation
  • Describe how to use system controller commands to monitor the platform
  • Describe how to power on and off the system components
  • Describe how to update the platform firmware
  • Describe how to back up and restore a system controller
  • Describe how to use SSH to secure the Sun Fire midrange server system controller
  • Describe the benefits of dividing the Sun Fire midrange servers into multiple segments and domains
  • Describe the effects of system segmenting and multiple domains
  • Create a system configuration consisting of multiple segments and domains
  • Configure an access control list (ACL) for a domain
  • Define passwords for a domain
  • Correlate OpenBoot programmable read-only memory (PROM) device tree entries to the physical system components of the Sun Fire midrange servers
  • Determine how the Solaris OS references system components
  • Identify the steps required to configure devices in the Solaris OS
  • Identify Solaris OS support utilities
  • Navigate between shell environments
  • Describe how Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software uses multipath access to I/O devices to provide a high level of disk availability and performance
  • Describe the purpose of Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software
  • Identify other products that use multipathing I/O to solve path failover and provide higher path bandwidth
  • Identify I/O software and hardware devices that Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software supports
  • List terms and acronyms that are associated with Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software
  • Describe how Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software works
  • Describe how Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager uses a device tree to map supported devices
  • Describe how to display path states and Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) device attributes
  • Configure Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software for installation, post-installation setup and verification, and domain configuration verification
  • Edit the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software configuration file to enable or disable Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software and for load balancing
  • Describe how to back up the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software before performing an upgrade to the operating system
  • Describe how Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software does automatic path discovery
  • Describe how to use Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software to manage and get information about multiplexed devices
  • Describe how Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software manages automatic failover
  • Describe the purpose of Internet Protocol Multipathing (IPMP)
  • List three different methods of combining Ethernet links to increase throughput or availability
  • List the hardware and software requirements for configuring IPMP
  • List the rules you must follow when you configure an IPMP group
  • Describe how IPMP works
  • Describe the parameters contained in the multipathing configuration file
  • Describe the new commands available for configuring IPMP
  • Describe the multiple components of an IPMP configuration
  • Describe an IPMP implementation
  • Describe how to verify IPMP load spreading
  • Automate IPMP configuration when using Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software with Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
  • Configure IPMP using IPv6
  • Describe how automatic IPMP failover and recovery is supported by dynamic reconfiguration
  • Describe the benefits of dynamic reconfiguration (DR)
  • Analyze domain configuration status using DR
  • Identify the steps required for removing and installing system boards using DR
  • Move a system board between domains using DR
  • Describe the benefits of Reconfiguration Coordination Manager (RCM)
  • Describe the architecture behind Sun Management Center software (Sun MC software) on the Sun Fire midrange servers
  • Describe the installation and configuration procedures on the Sun Fire midrange servers for Sun MC software
  • List and describe the base modules that are installed for the Sun Fire midrange agent
  • Explore the Sun Fire midrange servers using Sun MC software