adobe experience manager - multi site manager

By attending AEM Multi Site Manager workshop, Participants will:

  • Understand Live Copies
  • Know how to use the Site Wizard
  • Understand the functions of the Blueprint Control Center
  • Be familiar with background Rollouts and Rollout configurations
  • Have edited existing Live Copy configurations
  • Understand diff-view in components

  • Those who have attended the AEM Developer workshop or have gained equivalent knowledge through work experience.
  • Familiarity with the Adobe CQ environment

Adobe Multi Site Manager gives authors the opportunity to reuse content across channels, languages and national sections. However, different levels of complexity have to be taken into account: the ability to inherit changes from the content master to the copies; the ability to unlock content in one of the copies and start a different version of the same content; and the ability to use the same piece of content within different layouts.

AEM Multi Site Manager allows the management of all these levels of complexity and provides a set of features to support authors managing a large number of sites.

AEM Multi Site Manager training course will review the most important topics regarding Multi Site Management, providing both an author and a developer perspective of the tasks that need to be mastered in order to successfully support multinational, multi-language and multi-channel scenarios.